university of arkansas

A Nigerian Mr Wisdom Osetaleh Arisgbofo from Benin city Edo state Nigeria became a successful Applicant to the 2022 scholarship at University of Arkansas

Wisdom made it after two application cycles meaning three years after high school graduation. but he Never gave up on his dreams but kept fighting. According to Mr. wisdom

“I come from Benin City, Edo State and lived there with my parents. I graduated high school in 2019 as one of the top three students but could not proceed to college due to financial constraints.

Although my future was uncertain, I remained convinced that I wanted to study Computer Science beyond the walls of my home country, Nigeria, because I had seen the admirable edifices Computer Scientists created. I yearned to be an active proponent of such creations, so I began applying to colleges in the United States. I was able to achieve many things during my time in high school. I was the 3rd best in the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) national qualifying examination and the best school representative in the Lift Above Poverty (LAPO) competition. I was also the President of the Math and Science Quiz club and Sports Prefect in my High School. After EducationUSA selected me for the scholars program, I applied tirelessly to colleges for two years, assisted by my parents to tackle many financial obligations. After numerous unsuccessful applications, I finally got a full scholarship (The Chancellor Scholarship) to study at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). Judging from my experience, I believe the pursuit of perfection in anything annihilates hindrances and plucks one from the depths of obscurity. The probability of success increases exponentially the more you try”

Success needs consistency in trying .Goodluck mr wisdom.



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